Waldorfshop- invest sensibly and sustainably.
From now on we offer the possibility for a meaningful and sustainable investment in Waldorfshop.
For the Waldorfshop you invest your capital in a sustainable, anthroposophical and socially committed company where risk and profit are in a very reasonable ratio.
Through your participation you support us in the ongoing financing of the investments and other things that are sensible and necessary because of the strong growth. In addition, you support us as a so-called responsible-ownership company, whose aim is to operate in a non-profit-making manner. All profits are reinvested or donated. The responsibility always lies with people who are connected to the company. This is our understanding of charity.
You can subscribe to Waldorfshop's 300.000€ profit participation rights with an interest rate of up to 4% in cash or 6,5% in kind from 1.000€.
Armin Steuernagel founded the Waldorf Shop in his children's room in 2007 out of interest in Waldorf Education and with the will to learn to understand economic connections.
In the meantime the Waldorfshop of the company Universnatur GmbH has a sales volume of 1.8 million euros (2018) and supplies kindergartens, schools and households all over Germany with products based on the teaching pedagogy of Rudolf Steiner and Emil Molt.
Toys according to Waldorf are based on the sensory theory of this pedagogy, according to which the twelve senses of the human being are divided into the categories cognitive, social and physical senses.
- The special construction of the profit participation rights enables a comparatively high return for the investors.
- The investor is only liable with the capital invested.
- If structured appropriately, the profit participation rights have a similar character to equity for the issuing company and are particularly suitable for partnership-based investment relationships if structured accordingly.
OFFER 1, 2019
participation rights
max. 100.000 €
5 years from 1.000 €
- from 1,000 €
- + Increases in steps of 1,000 € each
- Term at least 5 years
- Return 6.0 % in kind or
- Return 3.5 % in cash
Genussrechte gezeichnet:
OFFER 2, 2019
participation rights
max. 20 investors
7 years
- from 10.000 €
- + Increases in steps of 1,000 € each
- Term at least 7 years
- Return 6.5 % in kind or
- Return 4.0 % in cash
Genussrechte gezeichnet:
Auf Basis der neuen personellen Potenziale sowie deutlicher Investitionen in Marketing und IT werden wir die jetzt schon gute Spanne beim Vertrieb nach einer kurzen Anlaufzeit auch in positive und steigende Ergebnisse (vor Steuer) umsetzten können. Aus dem damit ebenso ausgebauten Cashflow (Ergebnis + Abschreibungen) können aller Voraussicht ausreichende Rücklagen für die spätere Rückzahlung der uns anvertrauten Genussrechtsmittel gebildet werden.
In der Anlage finden Sie die Genussrechtsbedingungen und den Zeichnungsschein. Bitte lesen Sie die Genussrechtsbedingungen genau durch, füllen Sie den Zeichnungsschein aus und unterschreiben Sie ihn mehrfach, wie vom Gesetzgeber verlangt.
Wir bedanken uns für das entgegengebrachte Vertrauen und bitten Sie uns zu kontaktieren, wenn Sie an weiteren Auskünften interessiert sind.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Ausführliche Informationen zu den Genussrechten von Waldorfshop erhalten Sie hier:
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Hier erfahren Sie mehr über Genussrechte - genussrechte.org/#waldorfshop