Das Geheimnis der Matrioschka
Item number 30616
Children will enjoy the story of an unequal couple, a Russian painter and a Swiss gardener. The couple wants to help Nikolas, who would rather be a girl and is teased for it. The book is an anthropology that can be of great help in families and at school. It touches on the questions of gender identity, which are so much in the spotlight today and which are causing many children and parents in need. They demand answers. The book's surprisingly new perspectives have roots in cultural history, philosophy, anthroposophy and embryological research. An accompanying booklet for parents and educators further elaborates these references. "The Secret of the Matrioshka" is an unusual book. It is a picture book for children, a book for reading aloud, and at the same time a serious book for adults. It has significance as a guide for parents and educators of children "who feel differently" from the others and who therefore need special protection and benevolent guidance. Four new songs by the music educator and composer Wolfgang Wünsch enhance the value of the book. Website for the book The Secret of the Matrioshka On https://www.ikaros-matrioschka.ch/ you can download many supplementary materials to the book: Texts, an accompanying booklet, songs. Hints and suggestions for reading the book "The Mystery of the Matrioshka" is a book for children and adults. It belongs first in the hands of adults who, after reading it themselves, can look at it and read it together with the child or children. They will skip passages according to their age, or they will freely fantasize about the pictures. The tips and suggestions are intended for different needs and different uses. They can be downloaded here free of charge. For a more in-depth study of the book, the booklet booklet for adults accompanying the children's book Backgrounds on the origin of the matrioshkas, the history of philosophy and gender issues is suitable. Suggestions for the accompaniment of children seeking their gender identity and for the use of matrioshkas in the teaching of relationship studies. Field report on the use of the book in the pedagogical seminar "The book has made an impact! Today I had the students of the seminar work in four groups on the "100 questions with the view of the matrioshka" (Chapter XI from the accompanying book). You should have seen that: A tower of research and knowledge went through the room. I was no longer necessary! But then I went from table to table with my coffee (!) and saw with dismay and great joy that the bill was paid. I would have had to start the conversations at all tables and I would have had the best material about self-knowledge and human observation. And above all: It goes incredibly fast. The contributors tap or point to one of the dolls and say: this one - or this one - always seems to me to be like this and like that ...or I only perceive them through their temporary absence. Now I know, while riding it?s not about the I, like I always thought, but about the ether body. Two riding therapists, who didn't know each other, but were sitting at the same table, have confirmed this to each other. And they had certainly never thought of this idea before - the method seems to be grandiose! For an upper school class, any seminar... I'm thrilled." 26 Jan. 2020 The author Christian Breme Christian Breme is a freelance sculptor and was a teacher of visual design at the Rudolf Steiner School Basel until his graduation in 2015. Since 1990, Christian Breme has continuously developed the method of working with embryology in a teaching context and passed it on in adult education courses. It has become known to a wider public through exhibitions and publications and has attracted attention especially in the medical-therapeutic field.
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Email: christian.breme@ikaros.ch
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