
  • Watercolour paint, 250 ml
    Watercolour paint, 250 ml
    Stockmar | Watercolour Paint, 250 ml | 1 bottle | 22 colours to choose from | for watercolour painting," wet-on-wet", for glazing | Contents: 250 ml 1 bottle 1 bottle of watercolour paint from Stockmar, 250 ml.
      In stock
    EUR 46.90 *
    0.25 liter  | EUR 187.60 / liter
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Painting and Drawing Set
    Painting and Drawing Set
    Stockmar | Set "Painting and Drawing" | Triangle | Coloured pencils | Opaque paint box Triangle Stockmar set "Painting and Drawing", 18 coloured pencils, pencil, opaque paint box with accessories, drawing pad.
      In stock
    EUR 59.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Wax crayons 8 colours with grey, pink etc.
    Wax crayons 8 colours with grey, pink etc.
    Stockmar | Wax crayons 8 colours with grey, pink and many more | Supplementary assortment 1 | Complementary assortment 1 8 Stockmar wax crayons, a complementary assortment from Stockmar
      In stock
    EUR 10.50 *
    0.138 kilogram  | EUR 76.09 / kilogram
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Wax foils, wide
    Special offer
    Wax foils, wide
    Stockmar | Wax foils, wide | 12 pieces | Wax foils, single variety | 12 foils per pack | Dimensions: 20 x 10 cm 12 piece 12 wax foils from Stockmar, wide, single variety, made from beeswax
      In stock
    EUR 21.40 *
    0.24 kilogram  | EUR 89.17 / kilogram
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Painting and Drawing Set
    Painting and Drawing Set
    Stockmar | Set "Painting and Drawing" | Coloured pencils + opaque paint | Hexagon Set "Painting and Drawing" from Stockmar everything you need to start as an artist!
      In stock
    EUR 61.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping