Children's birthday party
Celebrate festivities as they fall!
How fondly we think back to a successful celebration, to Christmas when a Christmas carol is heard under the burning candles on the Christmas tree, to the warming fire and the steaming punch after the lantern procession, to balmy summer nights when the sun has set, to staying up late into the night or singing songs and roundels together, to the many children's birthdays, our own and those of friends. When we celebrate, experience festivities, moments arise that trigger a pleasant feeling in our chests and make children's eyes light up. Happy celebrations are nourishment for the soul, precious treasures from childhood. They are among the most formative moments in our lives.
Through the design of the room and the seasonal table, we bring the seasonal events into the home. In addition, nowadays there is an abundance of storytelling material, fairy tales, stories, songs and games. Suitable for every season and every celebration, e.g. for Easter, Whitsun, St. John's Day (summer solstice), Michaelmas, St. Martin's Day, Advent, Christmas and of course also for children's birthdays, we have put together a large selection of meaningful, aesthetic and pedagogically valuable products for you and your children on the following pages.
- -20 %Grimm`s picture holderGrimms | Grimm`s Picture HolderIn stockRRP EUR 0.90EUR 0.72 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Organic cotton bagmemo | bag made of organic cotton | bag made of 100 % organic cotton | bag for Advent calendar | Dimensions: H 14 cm x W 10 cm Beautiful light-coloured bags made from 100% organic cotton, perfect for a homemade advent calendar.In stockEUR 1.50 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Kaleidoscope TwinkyAstroMedia | Twinky | Kaleidoscope | Mini Kaleidoscope | Content: 1 piece | Size: Ø 5 cm Ø 5 cm Twinky, the smallest kaleidoscope in the world.In stockEUR 1.50 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Brass candlestickBrass candle holder | for candles - Ø 1.4 cm for candles - Ø 1,4 cm e.g. for Grimm's birthday ringIn stockEUR 1.90 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Plasticine eraserPlasticine eraser | Neon colours | 4.2 x 3 x 0.7 cm | from 3 yrs. NeonIn stockEUR 1.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Flutter butterflyAurich | flutter butterfly | colour depending on stock | from approx. 5 years | dimensions: 10 x 11 cm Flutters when the rubber band is untwisted. 5 years and up.In stockEUR 2.70 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Finger TwistFolia | Finger Twist | Thread Game Thread gameNot in stockEUR 2.80 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Nut Cream CornersMOGLi | Nut Cream Corners I with the sweetness from agaveIn stockEUR 1.50 *0.03 kilogram | EUR 50.00 / kilogram* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Modelling clay white, 500 gModelling clay white, 500 g |In stockEUR 6.80 *0.5 kilogram | EUR 13.60 / kilogram* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Lemon wafflesMOGLi | Lemon Waffles | with the sweetness of agaveIn stockEUR 0.70 *0.015 kilogram | EUR 46.67 / kilogram* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Bird water pipesBartl | Bird whistles | Set of 1 or 4 | Bird whistle made of clay | Available in a pack of 1 or 4 | 7 x 3.5 x 5.5 cm Set of 1 or 4 Beautiful as a souvenir or small gift.In stockEUR 8.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Wonder nut, gold or silverStein Manufaktur | miracle nut, gold or silver | walnut, filled | with a semi-precious stone | colour: gold or silver filled Walnut in gold or silver, filled with a small semi-precious stone, as a small surprise or gift, to fill the Advent calendar or as a small present.In stockEUR 2.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Bird whistleEderna Verlag | Bird whistle | Chirping plate | Palate whistle | for imitating bird voices | 1 piece Chirping plates Palatal whistle to whistle like a birdieIn stockEUR 1.20 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Colourful fluttering bumblebeemoses. publishing house | Bunter FlatterflummiIn stockEUR 4.50 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Glow in the dark moonlight marblesmoses Verlag | Glowing Moonlight Marbles | Glass Marbles | Ages 3 and upIn stockEUR 4.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Cocoa wafflesMOGLi | Cocoa waffles | with hazelnutsIn stockEUR 0.70 *0.015 kilogram | EUR 46.67 / kilogram* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- SchokoSchatz for kids BIOChocolate Treasure for Kids Edition "Lucky Stones" I Chocolate Treasure I Surprise Edition "Lucky Stones"Not in stockEUR 4.95 *25 gram | EUR 198.00 / kilogram* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Surprise nutsStein Manufaktur | Surprise Nuts | Advent Calendar Walnut with semi-precious stone Surprise nut, as a small gift, for children's birthdays or to fill an advent calendarNot in stockEUR 12.50 *10 piece | EUR 1.25 / piece* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Raspberry cream cornersRaspberry Cream Corners I Mogli I with the sweetness of agave | Children's biscuits | | Flavour: Sweet | Product characteristics: Organic, Vegetarian Children's biscuitsIn stockEUR 1.50 *30 gram | EUR 50.00 / kilogram* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
The tradition of festivals
In earlier times, primitive peoples celebrated special events in the astronomical cycle of the year: the winter and summer solstices, when day and night are exactly the same length, the winter solstice, when the sun has reached its lowest point, and the summer solstice, when the sun has reached its highest point and the longest day is the shortest night of the year.
As the Christian religion spread more and more through the church, the missionaries took up these festivals and placed the Christian annual festivals that are still valid today close in time to these old festivals: Easter and Michaelmas are celebrated at the equinox, Christmas is celebrated at the winter solstice and St. John's Day at the summer solstice.
The original worship of nature has been replaced by the celebration of prescribed festivals of the church. The church fathers knew how much the celebration of festivals delights people and offers them an opportunity to escape from their everyday lives with fun.
Another celebration that we have not been celebrating for very long is the birthday. In the past, not much importance was attached to the birthday, but the name day was the greatest celebration of the individual. In certain Catholic countries, people still celebrate it this way, but in our country, especially for children, the birthday is the most beautiful celebration next to Christmas.
The children's birthday
A child's birthday in particular can be a wonderful, unforgettable celebration. There is so much excitement and anticipation in advance for the birthday child. In the best case, the parents and the family make an effort to celebrate the child in its uniqueness and to give it the best day of the year. In some families, there are fixed traditions, such as a birthday cake and a gift for breakfast. In the afternoon, there is a celebration with the family and, soon after, a celebration with the birthday child's friends.
Of course, a child's birthday can also be celebrated spontaneously, but it will be a particularly successful child's birthday if you think about it in advance and involve the child in the preparations: who should be invited to the birthday party and how many can come, invitations can be made, games can be thought of that can be exciting, exciting but also quiet, when should the party begin, how many hours should it last, is there a gift for the guests, a treasure hunt, what kind of food should there be, the child can also help to bake the cake. In this way, such a child's birthday can become a wonderful experience.
In kindergarten, children's birthdays are also celebrated in a special way. A song is sung, a birthday story is told which, although it has been heard so many times before, is still exciting for the birthday child because it is now being told just for him or her. And here, too, the birthday child receives a small gift.
What do we adults associate with celebrations? Fun, good food, presents, funny moments and also festive ones - the day should be perfect, stand out from our everyday life and remain in our memories for a long time!
Celebrating festivals is also part of the everyday life of Waldorf kindergartens and Waldorf schools. In the kindergarten there is a custom or even several for each festival: at Easter it is painting eggs and sowing Easter grass; at Whitsun white doves are created and given to the children to take home, at St. John's Day, the midsummer festival on the longest day of the year, a big fire is lit over which the very brave children can jump and also at Michaelmas the fire has a special place, for example when a wandering blacksmith is invited and of course lots of tests of courage find their place here, at St. Martin's Day lanterns are made and accompanied by lantern songs the children parade through the streets with their parents and the educators, in Advent time there is baking, candles are drawn and little presents are made.
The classic festivals that we celebrate at home in the family are Easter and Christmas. On Christmas Eve, the children's eyes light up and when everyone has gathered around the table full of delicious culinary delights, the children can hardly wait to finally unwrap their Christmas presents that are already waiting for them under the Christmas tree.