- small Waldorf gnome, turquoiseWaldorf gnome small turquoise I Käthe Kruse I baby I rag doll Cuddle clothIn stockEUR 30.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Waldorf doll ElsaWaldorf doll ELSA I 38 cm | Käthe Kruse I doll I rag doll | OEKO-TEX STANDARD | organic virgin sheep's wool 38 cmIn stockEUR 199.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Waldorf doll Nini, little flowerWaldorf doll NINI Blümchen 22 cmIn stockEUR 40.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Grimm`s Cuddly Doll SunGrimms | Grimm`s Cuddly Doll Sun 30 cm A cuddly doll, ideal as a first baby toy.In stockEUR 55.90 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Waldorf doll Lolo, mossWaldorf doll LOLO moss I Käthe Kruse I PuppetryIn stockEUR 50.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Waldorf doll HannahWaldorf doll HANNAH I 38 cm | Käthe Kruse I doll I rag doll | OEKO-TEX STANDARD | organic virgin sheep's wool 38 cmIn stockEUR 199.90 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- large Waldorf gnome, roseWaldorf gnome large rose I Käthe Kruse I Waldorf doll Cuddle clothIn stockEUR 40.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Waldorf doll NiaWaldorf doll Nia I Käthe Kruse I rag doll | toy | 100% cotton (OEKO-TEX STANDARD) | organic virgin sheep's wool (kbT) 38 cmIn stockEUR 199.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Waldorf doll Nini, sunshineWaldorf doll NINI Sonnenschein I Käthe Kruse I rag doll I baby 23 cmIn stockEUR 40.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Waldorf doll KikiWaldorf doll KIKI | Käthe Kruse I rag doll | toy | 100% cotton (OEKO-TEX STANDARD) | organic virgin sheep's wool (kbT) 38 cmIn stockEUR 199.90 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Waldorf doll Lolo, naturalWaldorf doll Lolo nature I Käthe Kruse I rag doll I natural materials 21 cmIn stockEUR 50.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Bath poncho for Waldorf dollsBathing poncho I Käthe Kruse I Doll clothes I Waldorf doll for dolls size 28-35 cmIn stockEUR 20.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- large Waldorf gnome, turquoiseWaldorf gnome big turquoise I Käthe Kruse I Baby I Cuddly doll Cuddle clothIn stockEUR 39.90 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Waldorf doll Nini, morning dewWaldorf doll Nini Morgentau I Käthe Kruse I rag doll 26 cmIn stockEUR 40.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Waldorf doll Nana, saffronWaldorf doll NANA saffron I Käthe Kruse I rag doll 35 cmIn stockEUR 95.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- large Waldorf gnome, ochreWaldorf gnome large ochre I Käthe Kruse I rag doll I baby Cuddle clothIn stockEUR 40.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Waldorf doll Nini, summer cloudWaldorf doll NINI Sommerwolke I Käthe Kruse I rag doll I baby 24 cmIn stockEUR 40.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Doll clothes winter setWinter set I Käthe Kruse I Waldorf doll for dolls size 28-35 cmIn stockEUR 50.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- large Waldorf gnome, naturalForest orphan big natural I Käthe Kruse I Baby I Rag doll Cuddle clothIn stockEUR 40.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- small Waldorf gnome, ochreWaldorf gnome small ochre I Käthe Kruse I rag doll I baby Cuddle clothIn stockEUR 30.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Sarah, Waldorf-style dollWalkiddy | Sarah, Waldorf-style doll | dark hair | organic | 27 cm 27 cm Waldorf-style rag doll, made of natural materials, to cuddle and love!In stockEUR 54.50 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Grimms Cuddly Doll AquaGrimms | Grimms Cuddly Doll Aqua | 30 cm | Material: Niki, cotton, polyester filling 30 cm Velvety soft cuddly doll made of Niki and cotton fabric.In stockEUR 56.50 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping