Plate gyroscope
Ø 4 cm
Item number 6030
EUR 3.30
1 piece
In stock
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
Plate spinning top, Ø 4 cm
Colourful spinning top made of wood for playing and practising fine motor skills or as a small gift. Colour according to stock.
Product information:
Plate spinning top
Contents: 1 piece
Material: wood
Colour: Colourful, depending on stock
Dimensions: approx. 4 x 4 cm
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Name: Nictoys/Nic Spiel + Art GmbH
Street: Haubersbronner Straße 40
City: 73614 Schorndorf
Email: info@dusyma.de
Phone: 0049 7181 6003-0
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