Jamso Design

Zügelmatz - horse lead and halter

Item number 8185

EUR 28.00 *
Content 1 piece
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Zügelmatz - horse lead and halter

The horse leash with halter made of weatherproof material for imaginative movement games is ideal for children from 3 to 10 years. Zügelmatz is made of real horse halter material and is therefore robust and almost indestructible. The halter is put on like a jacket and can be closed by the child itself with a plug-in fastener. The circumference and length of the leash can be adjusted individually. Available in 4 different colours.

Product information:

Dimensions: 22 × 11 × 7 cm.

You can find more toys for the outdoors and exercise, such as swing ropes, rubber mitwist, slackline and much more in the category <a href="https://www.waldorfshop.eu/toy-games/toys-for-outdoors/play-sport" target="_blank">play and sport in Waldorfshop.

MATZ - Games

Most of Matz's toys are handmade to a high standard of quality in the company's own workshop.They are suitable for children's free play as well as for therapy and sports lessons.

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