Birkenhof carrier set 10 pcs.

Birkenhof carrier set 10 pcs.

Done by People with handicap

Item number 7055

Building blocks in oblong shape

Dimensions: 20 - 27 cm

Material: alder wood, brushed bark
EUR 30.00 *
Content 1 piece
In stock
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Birkenhof carrier set 10 pcs, made of

The carrier building blocks made of alder wood, with brushed bark, have a length of 20 - 27 cm. These special wooden building blocks are wonderfully suited to complement other Birkenhof building block sets.

With these wooden building blocks, bridges can be built, paths laid or structures erected. For play landscapes with wooden animals and other wooden figures, for creative, free play.

Size: 20 - 27 cm

Wood type: alder, brushed bark

Name: Lebensgemeinschaft Birkenhof e.V.

Street: Karzer Str. 2

City: 21398 Neu Neetze


Phone: 05850 97257 0

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