
When children play, they educate themselves! Through play, children process experiences, acquire skills and abilities that they need here in the world and work their way into their bodies. The toys we give children for this purpose are crucial! Toys such as board games, card games and learning games become more and more interesting as the 2nd year approaches. That is why Waldorfshop offers a large selection of toys that are educationally valuable - in the sense of Waldorf education. Feel free to browse and discover classic games and new games in our online shop!

  • Felt ball
    Felt ball
    Romanswerk | Felt ball | Ø 2,5 cm | Balls made of felt | Colour according to stock Ø approx. 2.5 cm As a replacement for Filzi - the felt ball slingshot, for colour games and for playing in the shop.
      In stock
    EUR 0.90 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Classic marble game
    Classic marble game
    Classic marble game I Moses Verlag I parlour game I wood I glass
      In stock
    EUR 8.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Numbers Poster: The multiplication table
    Numbers Poster: The multiplication table
    Monimari | Numbers Poster: The multiplication tables | 42 x 30 cm | Familiarising with numbers 42 x 30 cm Beautiful multiplication tables pocket poster by Monimari, sustainably and regionally produced in Germany.
      Not in stock
    EUR 10.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Kapla Challenge
    Kapla Challenge
    KAPLA | Kapla Challenge | Card Game | Balance Game | Contents: 12 building cards and 16 pine wood tiles | Ages 10 and up Card game A balance game for the whole family with 12 building cards and 16 pine wood tiles
      In stock
    EUR 17.20 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • ABC card game
    ABC card game
    Waldow Verlag | ABC card game | Learning game | ABC with Ä, Ö, Ü, Sch plus "Buchstaben-Peter" | Dimensions: 7.5 x 11 cm Educational game Individually designed cards connect the upper and lower case letters of the alphabet with a matching picture and the corresponding word.
      In stock
    EUR 14.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Grimm's number cards
    Grimm's number cards
    Grimms | Number Cards | with animal pictures | 32 cards | approx. 7 x 10.5 cm Number cards with lovingly designed animal pictures.
      In stock
    EUR 16.70 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Magic trick box
    Magic trick box
    Magic trick box with secret lock I Goki I Waldorfshop I Wood with secret lock
      In stock
    EUR 4.90 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Addition board
    Addition board
    Addition board I Legler I Educational games
      In stock
    EUR 15.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Cities Quartet
    Cities Quartet
    Wendelin's Card Games|Cities Quartet|32 top metropolises of the world 32 top metropolises in the world
      In stock
    EUR 5.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Letter Poster: The ABC
    Letter Poster: The ABC
    Monimari | Letters Poster: The ABC | For a playful familiarisation with the letters | Sustainably and regionally produced | 42 x 30 cm Beautiful Alphabet Poster by Monimari
      In stock
    EUR 10.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Slide rules
    Slide rules
    Arithmetic sticks I Legler I Educational game I Maths
      Not in stock
    EUR 13.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Star Quartet
    Star Quartet
    J. Ch. Mellinger Publishing House | Star Quartet For children and adults Star quartet for children and adults
      Not in stock
    EUR 13.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Forest shadow play
    Forest shadow play
    Kraul | Forest Shadow Game | atmospheric, fairytale-like dice game | can be played on both sides | for 2 - 8 players, ages 5 and up A fabulous and cosy dice game for long autumn and winter evenings for young and old.
      In stock
    EUR 40.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

The rule game

All parlour games, card games, board games, games with dice, quizzes, etc. follow certain predetermined rules and are therefore called rule games. From the age of 5, these become increasingly exciting for children.

9 Advantages and development opportunities through rule games

  1. Games with rules promote the integration of the individual into the community.
  2. Since parlour games are played into old age, this is often the game where generations can find each other and get into playing together.
  3. Through the structure of most games, children learn logical thinking and through the themes of the games they acquire knowledge.
  4. For the personality development of children, the development of frustration tolerance is enormously important. This is practised when losing during play.
  5. The rules of the game, winning and losing are a great training ground for social sensitivity. For this, however, it is important that the children are not too young. From the 2nd seven years onwards, the child is able to learn primarily in terms of social processes.
  6. The children's ability to concentrate improves when they learn and adhere to the rules of the game and when they wait their turn.
  7. There are many board games that are structured in such a way that the children's dexterity is promoted.
  8. By placing figures, throwing dice, etc., hand-eye coordination is trained.
  9. Mathematical and letter comprehension is initially promoted by dice games and card games, for example.

There is an unmanageable mass of different games on the toy market. The decisive question here is:

What values do we want to convey with the games?

In Waldorfshop we have made a pre-selection for you and your children. Each game enables your children to develop in the above-mentioned way, while we also pay attention to the aesthetic aspects in the sense of Waldorf education, just as it is important to us that the games are produced as ecologically as possible. And of course the joy and fun of playing together should not be neglected!

5 tips for educationally valuable toys

  1. Toys made of natural materials, such as wooden toys for natural, environmentally conscious play.
  2. Natural colours and shapes for your child's sensory care.
  3. Eco and organic toys for the child's health and for the sake of the environment.
  4. The right toy for the right age of child
  5. Free-range toys to strengthen your child's imaginative powers

Feel free to browse our extensive toy assortment online and discover the right wooden toys and the best board games for you, your children and the whole family!