Multiplication table

Multiplication table

Item number 2038

EUR 13.90 *
Content 1 piece
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Learn 1 x 1 playfully

Multiplication table made of wood

for primary school children from 8 years

With this multiplication table made of wood, primary school children from the age of 8 can playfully learn and practise the small 1 x 1 beyond dry arithmetic problems in the exercise book. By turning the rollers, the solution to the problem set on the front is displayed in red. Plywood and pine. Dimensions: 21 x 21 cm. From non-EU country.

Makes learning arithmetic easier and fun!

Name: Legler /small foot GmbH & Co. KG

Street: Achimer Str. 5

City: 27755 Delmenhorst


Phone: 04221 97302-337

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