Parlour games

Parlour games is the generic term for various board games, dice games and card games, but also for guessing games and charades. They have a long tradition. The oldest parlour games were found in ancient Egypt. Playing together with friends and family is not only fun, but can also encourage your children in the most diverse ways. Waldorfshop offers a variety of educational games online for all ages, for children and adults.

  • Felt ball
    Felt ball
    Romanswerk | Felt ball | Ø 2,5 cm | Balls made of felt | Colour according to stock Ø approx. 2.5 cm As a replacement for Filzi - the felt ball slingshot, for colour games and for playing in the shop.
      In stock
    EUR 0.90 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Classic marble game
    Classic marble game
    Classic marble game I Moses Verlag I parlour game I wood I glass
      In stock
    EUR 8.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Kapla Challenge
    Kapla Challenge
    KAPLA | Kapla Challenge | Card Game | Balance Game | Contents: 12 building cards and 16 pine wood tiles | Ages 10 and up Card game A balance game for the whole family with 12 building cards and 16 pine wood tiles
      In stock
    EUR 17.20 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Magic trick box
    Magic trick box
    Magic trick box with secret lock I Goki I Waldorfshop I Wood with secret lock
      In stock
    EUR 4.90 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Forest shadow play
    Forest shadow play
    Kraul | Forest Shadow Game | atmospheric, fairytale-like dice game | can be played on both sides | for 2 - 8 players, ages 5 and up A fabulous and cosy dice game for long autumn and winter evenings for young and old.
      In stock
    EUR 40.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Couples game
    Couples game
    KSG | Couples game | Memory | 36 pictures | Wood | From 4 years Memory Solidly crafted picture memory in a beautiful wooden case.
      In stock
    EUR 23.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Goki | Dice box with 6 wooden dice
      In stock
    EUR 4.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Mini puzzle
    Mini puzzle
    Curiosi | Mini Puzzle | 33 pieces | Ø 9 cm 14 different motifs Mini puzzle made of 33 pieces, Ø 9 cm, in a noble gift box.
      In stock
    EUR 4.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Play of colours 10x10
    Play of colours 10x10
    Romanswerk | play of colours 10x10 | incl. 100 coloured balls made of felt | oak | 30 x 30 cm incl. 100 coloured felt balls Beautiful game with oiled oak board with 100 hollows and 100 coloured felt balls.
      In stock
    EUR 75.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Goki | Pantomine in the Tin Dos
      In stock
    EUR 11.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Eavesdropping wonder
    Eavesdropping wonder
    Karl Schubert Community | Eavesdropping Wonder | 33 x 29 x 7 cm | Wood from 4 years
      In stock
    EUR 42.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Goki | Farm animal cube puzzle
      In stock
    EUR 9.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Balance Game Ship
    Balance Game Ship
    Balance Game Ship | Pfingstweid | Wood | from 18 months Alder
      In stock
    EUR 17.20 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Goki | domino game in a wooden box | a classic
      In stock
    EUR 14.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Wandelwinde - Game
    Wandelwinde - Game
    Sonnenblau | Wandelwinde - Game | Rooster | 1-6 players | 6 years and up Cock A game to create shapes and to immerse oneself in those very shapes.
      In stock
    EUR 26.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Strategy game Regatta
    Strategy game Regatta
    Strategy game Regatta I Legler I Board game I Sinking ships Sinking ships
      In stock
    EUR 30.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Bingo
    Global Affairs | Bingo
      Currently not available
    EUR 18.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Balance Game Whale
    Balance Game Whale
    Balance Game Whale | Pfingstweid | Wood | from 18 Months Alder
      In stock
    EUR 16.30 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Board games and parlour games - rediscover classics again and again!

Certain board games have been played for a long time and can still be found in game collections today. There are numerous variants of parlour games:

  • classic board games with a wooden or cardboard board and figures for several or two players
  • numerous card games for two or more players
  • Games in which the emphasis is on adventure and the players have to collect things, fight against each other or others and thus achieve a goal.
  • Board games with a classic game board and increasingly also those in which the parts of the game are variable and thus new game variants are possible again and again.

They are usually based on a predefined set of rules, which makes them rule-based games. This makes board games suitable for children from about 4 years of age. The classics among board games are structured in such a way that the whole family can enjoy playing them. Educational games form another category among board games. Lively game evenings as a tradition are remembered for a long time!

Discover children's games in Waldorfshop

Pedagogues are often involved in the development of children's games. The fishing game is certainly one of the most popular children's games. In a colourful display, there are fish that can be caught with the help of a magnet. Even very young children enjoy this first game and can slowly immerse themselves in the world of parlour games through the simple rules of the game.

Sagaland is also a wonderful, fairytale-like board game for the whole family. In this board game, each player secretly sets out on a search, wary of rivals and with a little luck on the dice. The aim is always to rush to the castle as quickly as possible to answer the king's questions about the hiding place correctly. The winner is the first to name three locations correctly.

A very versatile game in which puzzle, board game and dice game meet is the forest shadow game. This parlour game is suitable for children from 5 years and is a very atmospheric family game. Especially in the darker half of the year, game evenings become a magical experience. The game board is a 6-piece puzzle and beautifully designed. The game figures, little wooden dwarfs with felt pointed caps as well as small and large wooden trees make this game a particularly fairytale adventure. In the enchanted forest, the little dwarfs search for each other and have to hide from the light.

Of course, we also have the classic game collection on offer, as well as the classic and popular parlour games The Crazy Maze, Scotland Yard, Catch the Hat and Backgammon.

7 advantages of board games for your child

  1. Improve concentration
  2. Training of social skills through playing together
  3. Increasing frustration tolerance
  4. Promoting logical thinking, especially with strategy games
  5. Promoting dexterity with games of skill
  6. Promoting hand-eye coordination
  7. Development of empathy through the perception of other players

Games for adults and new board games

We offer classic games such as chess, Nobody is perfect and Rummikub, but also very special games that parents can enjoy. Kapla, a modern strategy game for two, is a game about who collects the most gems and is handcrafted from environmentally friendly plantation wood from the Samena tree.

Das Spiel Tac ist ein ganz neuer Spiele-Klassiker für 2 bis 4 Personen. Es vereint Brett, Karten und Murmeln in einem Spiel? Das zeitlose Strategiespiel erfordert gleichermaßen Teamgeist und geschicktes Taktieren. Hinzu kommen spannende Zufallsmomente, die jeden Spielverlauf einzigartig machen. Das Gesellschaftsspiel ist sehr edel hergestellt. Das kunstvoll verzierte Brett und die hochwertigen Spielkarten orientieren sich an der grafischen Urform, der „Blume des Lebens“. Das TAC Spiel besteht vorwiegend aus natürlichen Materialien. Das TAC Spiel hat seinen Ursprung im indischen Chaupar bzw. Pachisi, welches sich im 4. Jahrhundert als eine Modifikation des koreanischen Spiels Yut entwickelte. Chaupar ist die höfische Form des Spiels und unterscheidet sich von Pachisi durch kompliziertere Regeln. Nachdem das Spiel durch die Engländer im 19. Jh. nach England gebracht wurde, verbreitete es sich von dort in vielfältigen Abwandlungen in Europa und Amerika. Zu den bekanntesten Varianten zählen Mensch är

Another game for 2 - 5 players is the parlour game Copa. It consists of 18 beautiful wooden bowls made of beech, maple and walnut and a box full of white beans. 4 different games can be played, each with its own character, as a family game or with two players.

We invite you to browse our toys online at Waldorfshop and discover many other toys besides wonderful board games!