
On 22 September, the day of the equinox, autumn begins. The light turns golden, Indian summer is like a last burst of warmth before winter. The air is cooler but still mild. A feeling of clarity arises. The smell is peculiar, varied but not delicate and mild like always summer, rather profound. All the flowers with the small petals glow colourfully.

The feasts of Michaelmas and Harvest Thanksgiving are the first we celebrate in autumn, followed in November by St. Martin's, the Lantern Festival and finally much of Advent is also in autumn.

When the days get cooler and darker, there is almost nothing nicer than coming from outside into the warm, dry place and warming up with a cup of warm tea or cocoa.

  • Apple Basket Craft Set
    Apple Basket Craft Set
    Apple Basket Craft Set | made from willow | Werksiedlung St. Christoph | Willow Make your own basket out of rush/willow bark. 10 years and up.
      In stock
    EUR 20.00 *
    1 Set
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Postcard autumn
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    EUR 1.50 *
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    EUR 1.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Art Print Four Seasons
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    EUR 11.20 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Nutcracker
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    EUR 17.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Postcard Autumn Day
    Postcard Autumn Day
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    EUR 1.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Forest shadow play
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    EUR 40.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
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    EUR 31.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Postcard Autumn Trees
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    EUR 1.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Apple peeling machine
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    EUR 21.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Postcard November
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    EUR 1.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
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    EUR 1.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
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    1.69  | EUR 23.96 / m²
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
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    EUR 21.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Play cloth set autumn
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    Filges | Play cloth set autumn | made of silk | 3 cloths in a set | made of plant-dyed silk | 55 x 55 cm Silk Three scarves each 55 x 55 cm in autumn colours are made of plant-dyed silk.
      Not in stock
    EUR 40.00 *
    0.91  | EUR 43.96 / m²
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Hexagon Lantern Craft Kit
    Hexagon Lantern Craft Kit
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      In stock
    EUR 7.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping


The equinox is a special phenomenon: it applies regardless of where you are on earth. While the days at the equator are the same length as the nights all year round, the differences north and south of the equator increase in the direction of the solstices. In the summer months the days are longer than the nights, in winter it is the other way round. On the day of the equinox, the northern and southern hemispheres virtually exchange their differences. On this day, day and night are exactly the same length, regardless of where you are on earth.

As the light and warmth fade, the life forces of nature retreat. In October, the leaves of the trees turn colourful, the mist hangs in swathes over meadows, forests and lakes. The last blackberries, now somewhat sour, can be picked, the apples are ripe and fall almost by themselves into the harvest baskets. The pumpkins glow orange and the last potatoes can be harvested and made into a feast over the fire in a delicious harvest soup. And then we say goodbye to the abundance of summer. A time of inner contemplation and a search for the inner light begins.

The creatures of nature

The dwarves cavort on the seasonal table. Just as we can turn more to the inner self after the joy of life in summer, so too the elemental beings retreat into the earth.

Rudolf Steiner writes about this:

„Dieser Jahreslauf, den in früheren Zeiten der Mensch, weil eine Art mehr instinktiven Bewußtseins gewaltet hat, durch Festeszeiten feierte, hat noch eine andere Seite... Die Erde ist während des Winters mit ihren Elementargeistern, man kann sagen, vereint. Die Elementargeister ziehen sich hinein in den Schoß der Erde, wohnen da bei den sich vorbereitenden Pflanzenwurzeln und den andern Naturwesenheiten, die während des Winters im Schoße der Erde sind. Dann, wenn der Frühling kommt, atmet die Erde gewissermaßen dieses ihr elementarisches Wesen aus; die Elementargeister steigen wie aus einer Gruft heraus, steigen herauf in die Atmosphäre. Während sie im Winter die innere Gesetzmäßigkeit der Erde aufgenommen haben, bekommen sie immer mehr und mehr, wenn es gegen den Frühling zu geht, und namentlich wenn es dem Sommer zu geht, in ihrem Wesen und Weben jene Gesetzmäßigkeit, die ihnen von den Sternen des Kosmos und deren Bewegungen aufgedrängt wird. Und wenn die Hochsommerzeit da ist, da webt und